Saturday, September 4, 2010

Monte Alban -- A Photographic Interlude

Since this blog speaks to multiple audiences, I'm dividing this week's post in two.

This first post is a photo interlude for the grandparents. It gives a glimpse of our picturesque visit to the nearby ruins of Monte Alban last weekend. (Every good travel blog has to include some tourist destination photos, right?) You'll notice immediately the splendor of these ruins and the quickly decreasing height advantage I have over the girls. Luckily, we got this trip in before the long week of heavy rains set in.

For those more gastronomically-inclined viewers, the next post is for you!

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures!
    Sure do miss you guys.
    Make the most of your time there, HAVE FUN, and stay safe!
